Friday, January 06, 2006

Gratuitous Olivia Photograph

I haven't posted anything for a few days; furthermore, I realize that many of my recent posts have not been the happiest (unless you consider dead pigeons and personal neuroses to be part of the sunny side of life)... Thus, nothing serves as the antidote to these situations quite like a recent photograph of my beautiful daughter, Olivia.

It's hard to believe that it's been a whole month since Olivia's operation to remove the hemangioma from her forehead, but she's been doing amazingly well (as you can see from the picture). The doctors have told us that we're basically finished with the treatment process, and all we have to do is check back in at the end of the year to see how everything ends up. We're very pleased that everything has turned out so well...


At 5:57 PM, Blogger Bret said...


I am thrilled to see the glory and beauty of Olivia fully revealed. She is indeed a little angel.

Furthermore, I am encouraged and blessed to keep reading your blog and it reminds me of the great times I had while in Amsterdam, even if sometimes hard and lonely. Thanks.


At 7:32 AM, Blogger Eric said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling lonely and going through hard times, Bret. We do indeed miss having you with us in Amsterdam, but it's also good to remember that things often feel lonely and challenging here as well. At the very least, it's good that we can keep in touch through cyberspace...


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